What's a review cycle?

Review cycles are basically performance check-ins done company-wide.

At Gorgias, we define performance as

$$ Performance = Impact * Behavior $$

Impact refers to an individual's overall attitude toward adding value to the company. While OKRs measure an individual's performance, they do not provide a holistic picture. Impact also considers an individual's behavior when achieving their goals, which should be collaborative and positive.

We also evaluate alignment with our company values and collect feedback on how each team member can continue with their career development and growth at Gorgias.

The tool we use for this process is ‣

How often are the review cycles done?

At Gorgias, we conduct Quarterly review cycles. i.e. at the end of each quarter.

We alternate between full review cycles (with peer reviews) and light review cycles (without peer reviews).

Who is reviewing me?

There are 4 types of reviews in each cycle

  1. Self-review: you evaluate yourself
  2. Upward review: you evaluate your manager
  3. Manager review: a review from your manager.
  4. Peer reviews (only for Full review cycles): people you've closely worked with during the correspondent quarter.

How are review cycles structured and how long do they last?